Since MCDP pursues integrated community development program that gives prior attention to children and women segments of the community, it mainstreams child protection activities in its development intervention in order to maintain the well-being of children through protecting from exploitative labor and trafficking. In line with this, MCDP carries out the following:

Rehabilitating and Reintegrating Trafficked and Exploited children into their Families communities

MCDP strengthens its implementation and empowering community-based structures and building the capacity of government to prevent unsafe child migration as well as providing quality rehabilitation, re-unification, follows up and family support services to those coming in contact in the process. In this regard, the organization established temporary shelters in the target areas. Trafficked children who are identified migrating to urban areas stays in its temporary shelter for few days until they are reintegrated with their parents. The centers furnished with basic services such as water, toilet, sanitation, bathrooms, and sleeping and recreational materials to provide rehabilitation and reintegration services. The services given under rehabilitation include sanitation and hygiene services, health education and medication, psychosocial support, life skill training, sport and recreation services. Legal aid is also given in collaboration with pertinent stakeholders like health centers, offices of women and Children’s affairs and the woreda administration office in the respective areas. The intention of the organization service provision is serving them as family center and in child friendly manner that is to make children feel as if they are in their homes to give the necessary love and care which they are denied from their families while they are in their homes and to provide them some level of protection. The organization provides a reunification packages for children after giving them a comprehensive psychosocial support for those who are willing to return back to their family.


Children at Temporary Shelter

Reunification and Post reunification follow up

When it comes to family life, everyone strives to figure out how the relationship between parents and children can become ideal. Positive parenting techniques work well for raising children with discipline and good moral values, and are every parent’s dream. However, it is not an easy feat. And it is important to know that the parent child relationship is a two-way street, in other words, it is actually a partnership between a parent and their Child.

A garden with different flowers becomes beautiful when it blossoms. Similarly, if parents learn how to be a ‘gardener’ and are able to recognize their child’s personality and nourish it, then their ‘garden’ will become fragrant! This is what positive parenting is all about!

When parents develop effective parenting skills, they are able to take the initiative in filling the generation gap. When parents start to understand the balance of where to place boundaries, where to encourage, and where to discourage, then their children will not get spoiled. In this way they become good parents. When people do not know how to be a good parent, distance between the two develops.

“Every young adult has the potential power to help the entire world. He just needs the right guidance and support,” With proper understanding, youth can also strengthen their relationship with their parents. With an aim to offer an in-depth, complete understanding of today’s youth, has revealed how to raise a child and teenager with pure love and equanimity, so that they blossom in all fields of life.

Based on this fact MCDP is trying to aware the target community both in Addis Ababa and SNNPRS what positive parenting means and its contribution for building up generation.

Video: Positive Discipline in Every Day Aspect

Community based Child Development program was implemented in SNNPRs, Gamo-zone at Dara Malo Woreda. The Objective is to contribute for the accessibility and equitable distribution of services, equal stimulation and best start of life and enhance the wellbeing of vulnerable and destitute women and children through integrated development program in the project implementation area. The project has Education, Nutrition and Food security, Livelihood and Capacity building components.

Major Achievements

A. Improving Access and Quality of Early Childhood Education
