MCDP considers awareness creation as an indispensable approach to bring social change among community members as well as promoting and introducing new ways working and ideas regarding child trafficking and labor, gender based violence, harmful traditional practices, unsafe migration and etc. MCDP uses the following tools for awareness creation across all its intervention:
Music and Drama: is a very essential tool for effective communication in both rural and urban settings for educating communities on various social issues using contemporary dance and Forum Theater.
Music and Drama Club members performing Forum Theater o`n gender based violence and sexual trafficking.
Community Conversion (CC): one of the strategies of MCDP to create awareness on various issues in the target community.
Community members at CC Program
Radio listening group: it is a structure comprising 15-20 household as a group that listen pre-tailored message using local language on a particular issues. The group is provided with radio facilities. Having listened the radio program, the group has space for discussion and reflection and develops local action.
Radio listening groups listening pre-tailored message on the issues of child labor & child trafficking
Public Campaign: other strategy of MCDP to raise awareness of community
Public Campaign on Child labor and Child trafficking
TV spot and Radio: TV spot and radio program transmission on Child labor and Child trafficking and women socio-economic situation at Fana Broadcasting Agency and Ahadu radio
IEC materials: it includes manuals, fliers, banners, billboards, stickers, films, brochures etc.