The principal pillar of MCDP’s programmatic framework is topromote integrated urban and Rural Community based development with more emphasis on addressing the issues of women and children. Currently, the program comprises a number of projects, each of which is funded by different donors.
- Community Based Child Development Program;
- Safer Migration Project;
- School and SHG as an Approach to Address Child Vulnerability;
- Fighting Against Child Labor Exploitation and Child Trafficking
- Climate Change and Women;
- Women Enterprise Development;
- Saving and Credit Cooperative and IGA Promotion;
- Early Childhood Care and Education;
- Children and Peace
- Emergency Projects
- Prevention of Sexual abuse on Children and Women
- Child Domestic Work
- Awarness raising on Child Trafficking and Children Labor through Music and Drama and Radio Listening Programs;
- Promoting community based and comprehensive support to Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC)
- Aligning CBOs/Iddirs to Development
- Promotion of Social Accountability